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State Enterprise “Tajik NIIGiM” carries out fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research in the following areas:

  1. Scientific support for the formation of environmentally sustainable agricultural landscapes, the development of complex land reclamation, hydraulic engineering, hydraulics and engineering hydrology, mechanization and automation of construction, reconstruction and operation of reclamation systems, economic methods for regulating water use; information and environmental technologies, organization of scientific and technical services and efficient use of technology;
  2. Development of technologies for integrated land reclamation, ensuring highly efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural production;
  3. Improvement and development of new resource-saving and environmental technologies for irrigation and drainage of agricultural land, information technologies;
  4. Monitoring of reclaimed land and techno-natural systems, agricultural land, restoration and productivity management of reclaimed agricultural land;
  5. Development of ways to improve the efficiency of use and protection of water and land resources in the agro-industrial complex;
  6. Reclamation of degraded (eroded, polluted, saline, etc.) lands, development of resource-saving technologies to increase their fertility.

In addition, State Enterprise “TajikNIIGiM” has the right to carry out the following other types of activities:

  1. Implementation of design, survey, experimental design and research work in the field of reclamation and water management, physical, chemical, water, restoration, reclamation and protection of agricultural land.
  • Development of draft declarations of safety of hydraulic structures for irrigation and drainage and other purposes under contracts and government contracts;
  • Implementation of field supervision (“supervising”) during construction work in the field of reclamation, water management and transport construction.
  • Provision of information, computing and consulting services, marketing research, information and advertising activities according to the profile of the Institute;
  • Experimental testing of progressive methods and technologies for integrated land reclamation in various regions of Tajikistan.
  • Conducting scientific examinations of research, dissertation and design works, monographs, scientific articles and textbooks, including editorial activities.
  • Publishing activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, including the publication and distribution of printed materials containing the results of the Institute’s scientific activities, as well as scientific and methodological materials, guidelines, monographs, collections of scientific papers. Establishment of scientific journals according to the profile of the Institute.


  1. Scientific substantiation of measures to increase the efficiency of water resources using by water management systems in conditions of their shortage;
  2. Development of schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies (SKIOVO) of river basins;
  3. Methods for managing water resources of cascades of reservoirs located in the basins of large rivers;
  4. Hydrodynamic modeling of forecasting the possibility and locations of emergencies during catastrophic floods and floods;
  5. Monitoring of water management systems and water bodies;
  6. Water resources management: rules for the use of reservoirs, simulation modeling of water management, water-energy and hydraulic calculations, hydrodynamic modeling of the movement of surface and ground waters;
  7. Development of safety declarations for hydraulic structures of III and IV classes;
  8. Development of documents required for the operation of the GTS:
  9. safety criteria for hydraulic structures;
  10. safety data sheet for a hazardous facility – GTS;
  11. an action plan for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies at the hydraulic structures and a plan for conducting a comprehensive exercise with personnel;
  12. rules for the operation of hydraulic structures;
  13. project for monitoring the safety of hydraulic structures;
  14. instructions on the procedure for conducting security monitoring;
  15. if necessary, support of these documents during the approval process in the relevant supervisory authorities.
  16. Development of scenarios for the development of possible hydrodynamic accidents at hydraulic structures, flooding and flooding zones, calculation of probable harm.
  17. Scientific and methodological support of work on monitoring reclaimed agricultural land
  18. Advisory assistance on the prevention of harmful effects of water on agricultural land
  19. Assessment of the risks of reducing the ecological sustainability of agricultural landscapes.