Home StructureDepartment of Water Resources and Cadastre
Department of Water Resources and Cadastre

Department of Water Resources and Cadastre

Development of scientific principles, guidelines and instructions for the introduction of the State Cadastre and forms of publishing published information in order to provide the Republic of Tajikistan with the necessary information about water bodies, water resources, regime, quality and used waters, as well as water users;

Analysis, systematization and storage of data on water resources, regime, quality of water used, as well as on water users;

Current and prospective assessment of surface water resources and their quality based on water balances for river and lake basins and their separate areas, administrative-territorial units and the country as a whole;

  • Current and prospective assessment of groundwater resources and their quality in hydrogeological regions, administrative-regional units and in the country as a whole;
  • Creation and introduction of the State Water Cadastre using computer technologies and geographic information systems;
  • Accounting for water consumption by types of water use, economic sectors, river and lake basins;
  • Preparation of publications for the publication of information from the State Water Cadastre;

The increase in the population of Tajikistan creates a shortage of water, deterioration of its quality, degradation of water supply sources. The tense ecological situation in the republic requires a scientific substantiation and an eco-systemic approach to adopt a strategy in solving urgent problems of providing the population with water. In this regard, the department began work on the topic “Research of issues of water supply to the population in Tajikistan” (2010-2014).

In the market conditions of the national economy in Tajikistan, with intensive water use on water bodies, the issues of rational use of water resources are put forward among the most important problems of the department.

As a result, the department since 1996 to date, he has compiled and published 10 books entitled “Materials of generalization of state accounting of water use in the Republic of Tajikistan”, as well as various methodological guidelines and instructions for maintaining the State cadastre, the last simplified form of which is “Instructions for filling in 2TP” vodkhoz “”. The developed simplified form of state accounting of water use increases the reliability of the calculated indicators when planning the rational use of water resources in market conditions and approved by the order of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 44 of November 15, 2010.

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