Home StructureDepartment of Economics of the Water Sector.
Department of Economics of the Water Sector.

Department of Economics of the Water Sector.

The main direction of the research department:

Development and implementation of methods of water pricing and differentiation and their depending on the conditions of water supply;

Development of regulatory documents (regulations) on the procedure and conditions for the implementation of paid water use and algorithms for calculating tariffs for the provision of water services;

Development of methods and criteria for assessing the effective use of water in irrigated agriculture.

Hydrological and geological problems of ensuring and supporting the processes of water management in the territory of Central Asia in the context of sovereignty and a transforming economy (2014-2020)

Over the period of the department’s existence, work has been completed on 5 budgetary and contractual topics, based on the results of research, 3 regulatory documents have been prepared:

-temporary regulation on payment for water and for over-planned water consumption for irrigation in Tajikistan;

-temporary regulation on conducting an experiment on paid water use in irrigated agriculture in Tajikistan;

-regulation on the procedure for collecting payments for services for supplying water to consumers from state and irrigation and watering systems in the Republic of Tajikistan.

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