Home IWRMConducting thematic sessions for the working group of the Zeravshan River Basin
Conducting thematic sessions for the working group of the Zeravshan River Basin

Conducting thematic sessions for the working group of the Zeravshan River Basin

From 7 to 9 August 2018, with the support of the Zeravshan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project and the financial support of the European Union in the Aini region of the Sughd region in cooperation with the State Enterprise “TajikNIIGiM”, a number of thematic sessions were held for the Zeravshan River Basin Working Group (WG BZ).

For 3 days, the General Director of the State Enterprise “TajikNIIGiM” Umarov D.M, the National Consultant on IWRM of the SDC / UNDP Project Kholmatov AP actively spoke, on the topic “Water legislation. Legal Norms ”and Head of the“ Water Resources and Cadastre ”Department of the State Enterprise “ TajikNIIGiM ”Makhmayusufzoda Idibeg on the topic“ Principles of IWRM in the Development of an Annual Plan for the Use and Protection of Waters in the Zeravshan River Basin ”. During the thematic sessions, most of the attention was paid to interactive work with the participants of the working group of the Zeravshan River Basin, including a series of videos on the introduction of IWRM principles in Tajikistan.Participants of the training seminar familiarized themselves in more detail with the main water legislation and legal norms of the Republic of Tajikistan, including: Water Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, Law on Land Reclamation, Law on WUAs and Law on Drinking Water Supply. In addition, the next day the participants got acquainted in detail with the essence and necessity of IWRM, with their basic principles of IWRM and their implementation, basin planning, etc.

Carrying out such events for the Zeravshan Basin Working Group further contributes to the enhancement and strengthening of the water sector staff base.

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