
Round table on priority areas for achieving objectives arising from the “Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2030”

Corruption is one of the undesirable manifestations of society and is recognized globally as a serious crime and one of the elements that threaten national security and undermine the development...

Participation of researchers of the State Institution “TajikNIIGiM” in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur

On March 6, 2024, at the initiative of the Irrigation and Reclamation Faculty of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur, was held an International Scientific and Practical Conference...

International and National Water Law

On November 24, 2023, at the initiative of the State Enterprise “TajikNIIGiM” (Research Institute of Water Engineering and Land Reclamation) under the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the...

Tajik NIIGiM Structure

Department of advanced training for workers in the water sector

This department was created with the support of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan at the beginning of 2016 and for its sustainable activity a license was obtained from the Ministry of Education and...

Department “Operation of the water sector”

The main direction of the research department: -Development of basic regulatory and technical rules for operation and maintenance; -A feasibility study was developed for the use of reclamation measures during the reconstruction of irrigation systems; -The technology of strengthening the...

Department of Economics of the Water Sector.

The main direction of the research department: Development and implementation of methods of water pricing and differentiation and their depending on the conditions of water supply; Development of regulatory documents (regulations) on the procedure and conditions for the implementation of...

Department “Land reclamation”

The main direction of the department: -development and implementation of methods and criteria for hydrogeological-reclamation control on irrigated lands; -study of drainage parameters in pilot production conditions; -development and implementation of advanced drainage for desalinization of highly saline lands; -development...

Department of Water Resources and Cadastre

Development of scientific principles, guidelines and instructions for the introduction of the State Cadastre and forms of publishing published information in order to provide the Republic of Tajikistan with the necessary information about water bodies, water resources, regime, quality and...

Department of machinery and irrigation technology

The department of equipment and technology of irrigation began to function in 1978 and is the legal successor of several laboratories: improvement of irrigation technology; programming of crop yields; irrigation of steep slopes, operation of irrigation systems protection of water...


Research Center Gissar

Gissar experimental research and production site for research and development of water-saving technologies and irrigation techniques In accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR of May 27, 1987, on the basis of the Gissar...

Scientific and research Center J. Balkhi

J. Balkhi research and production test site was organized in April 1966 on the basis of the Moscow expedition of the branch of the VNIIGiM named after A. N. Kostyakova. The main task is to study the properties of loess...

Research Center Kurgan-Tyube

Kurgan-Tyube Engineering Center of the State Institution "TajikNIIGiM" was founded in 1998. The main activity of the organization is the introduction of inventions and innovations into production, as well as the solution of water management problems in the Khatlon region....

Scientific and research Center Sughd

The Sogdian stronghold is a subdivision recently created in the State Enterprise “TajikNIIGiM”. The main direction of the reference point is the improvement of the elements of the furrow technology and the development of drip irrigation technology for orchards in...

Projects News

IWRM training: theory, practice and perspectives

In the period from 04 to 08 November this year, the State Enterprise "TajikNIIGiM" conducted four one-day trainings on the topic "IWRM: theory, practice and perspectives in the river basins of Tajikistan" in the Khukumats of the Matcha, B. Gafurov,...

Round table “Raising the awareness of decision-makers in the implementation of mechanisms for the introduction of IWRM in the Tajik part of the Syrdarya river basin”.

On September 24, 2019, at the Training Center of the National Bank of the city of Gulistan, Sughd region, with the support of the Agency Helvetas Swiss Cooperation and the German International Society in Tajikistan (GIZ), the State Enterprise "TajikNIIGiM"...

ROUND TABLE “Raising the awareness of decision-makers in the implementation of IWRM implementation mechanisms”

Taking into account the importance and necessity implementation of the Integrated Water Resources Management in the river basins of Tajikistan, the State Enterprises  "TajikNIIGiM" Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to raise the...

Project “IWRM: theory, practice and perspectives in the river basins of the Republic of Tajikistan”

In the period from June 10-13 of this year, four trainings on "IWRM: theory, practice and prospects in the river basins of the Republic of Tajikistan" were organized and conducted. The training was conducted at each watershed of the Aksu-Isfana-Tomchasai-Khojabakirgan-Arkasai...